"I HELPED MOTHER shred the cabbage and cut up the apples for this recipe. The touch of tartness is wonderful with the sauerbraten. This is one part of...
This roasted vegetables dish is good with any meat, but I especially like it with pork. And because the vegetables can be prepared in advance, I have more...
I like to make this sauteed Swiss chard a main dish by serving it with pasta, but it's also a tasty side dish all on its own. My boys love it and ask for...
I'm trying to cut my risk for cardiac disease by changing the way I eat. This colorful sauteed zucchini and squash side dish is packed with as much nutrition...
Marie Hoyer of Lewistown, Montana whisks together tarragon, chives, parsley and Dijon mustard in her delightful vinaigrette. The fast-to-fix dressing will...
This simple recipe is anything but plain. The flavors of garlic and herbs combine to add extra zip to tender new potatoes. This side dish goes hand in...
There's just something extra special about a homemade applesauce recipe like this one. This simple dish is tart and not too sweet. It makes the perfect...
Fans of Caesar salad will find the dressing used in this tasty version one of the best. My sister, Jan, developed this Caesar salad recipe and was nice...
This recipe is always a hit. In fact, I usually have to double it, and still there are no leftovers. The crumb topping is flavored with bits of onion.-Alison...
For a simple but sensational side dish, I throw together this refreshing broccoli salad with raisins. I adjusted a friend's recipe to cut a few calories....
My husband, a pastor, was once paid in onions and potatoes by a little community. That's when I discovered this recipe. Baked with a tasty stuffing, the...
Capturing the fantastic flavors of summer, this refreshing, beautiful watermelon-cucumber salad will be the talk of any picnic or potluck. -Roblynn Hunnisett,...
These tender, vibrant carrots have a buttery glaze and a mild sweetness. It's a simple dish, but it sure makes carrots seem special.-P Lauren Fay-Neri,...
Since this tangy salad keeps well, I make it a day ahead for my Christmas menu. It's also a great choice to take to a holiday potluck - even people who...
Packed full of beef, beans and bacon, this calico beans recipe is one of my favorites. Serve it as a hearty side or main dish. -Betty Claycomb, Alverton,...
Golden brown with a little fresh green showing through, this fried okra recipe is crunchy and addicting! My sons like to dip them in ketchup. -Pam Duncan,...
Grilling is a delightful way of preparing the season's freshest produce. The zesty Italian marinade adds just the right amount of spice to the appealing...
These delicious noodles keep very well in the refrigerator. And, there are few things that taste as good as homemade noodles like these eaten plain, with...
Corn is my three boy's favorite vegetables, so we eat a lot of it. This recipe has been a favorite for years. My husband, Bob, and the boys really enjoy...
This Southern tomato pie recipe is a summer must-have! Use sunny tomatoes that are firm, but not too ripe, so the results are delicious rather than too...
Cornbread is a staple of Cajun and Creole cuisine. This version is an old favorite, and it really tastes wonderful. I found the recipe in the bottom of...
Dill pickles add pizzazz to this old-fashioned chilled salad. The creamy, well-dressed side dish makes a flavorful and attractive addition to a Fourth...
Growing up, we didn't have turkey. We had chicken, chopped and baked in my grandmother's dressing. Now we leave out the chicken and keep the cornbread...
The ultimate in French-Canadian junk food, poutine commonly features warm fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. This side dish is quick to fix with...
I love serving this satisfying corn bread pudding recipe with shrimp or other seafood. I actually adapted the dish from my mom's recipe, and it always...
I've simplified this recipe for Couscous Mesfouf without losing any of its deliciously complex flavor. Prepare all the mix-ins ahead of time and it takes...
These Asian-style green beans are a tasty addition to any meal. The flavors of sesame oil and soy sauce work so well together! -Susan Bickta, Kutztown,...
Here's my creamy and rich version of twice-baked potatoes. Always a treat, these stuffed potatoes go very well with the Chicken Cordon Bleu for my holiday...
This satisfying dish is very welcome at any meal at our house, especially on holidays. The tart apple slices taste so good baked on top of the mild sweet...
Dried apricots add sweetness and color to this dish. Seasoned with sage and thyme, the down-home dish is sure to have guests asking for seconds at your...
Fresh tomatoes star in this delicious casserole from Debbie Campbell of Peterborough, Ontario. "This is a great side dish, very simple and fast," she says....
This is an old Louisiana recipe that I've had longer than I can remember. It's a very popular Southern dish. To turn this into a main meal, simply add...
These pretty green spears of crisp-tender asparagus are drizzled with a balsamic vinegar mixture for a sensational side dish that's ready in no time.-Taste...
This authentic German potato salad recipe came from Speck's Restaurant, which was a famous eating establishment in St. Louis from the 1920s through the...
When I was a girl, Mama used Texas longhorn cheese in this recipe. After it melted all over the macaroni, I loved to dig in and see how many strings of...
You'll find my easy Spanish rice is better than any boxed mix in grocery stores. Best of all, it can be prepared in the same amount of time as those so-called...
Serve up those green beans in a whole new way-with a green bean salad recipe! The tangy flavors and crunch of these balsamic green beans complement any...
From Venice, Florida, Arletta Slocum relates, "This lovely side dish has been a favorite in our family for many years - especially for Easter dinners....
My husband and three boys all love oven-roasted potatoes. But I work full-time, so once I get home and start dinner, I usually don't have time to make...
I serve this as a meatless main dish, but it also makes a nice side dish. It freezes and reheats well, so I'll sometimes double the recipe. It has a colorful...
This comforting casserole features sunny corn kernels tucked into a creamy custard. My mom got this recipe and many other excellent ones from her mother....
Remember whipping up potatoes at the last minute before holiday meals? Never again! These are the most delicious mashed spuds we've ever tasted - but best...